
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Second Look Sunday

Sunday is a nice quiet day for taking a second look at some websites. When one of my Facebook friends found a War of 1812 land warrant image in the image patent section of the BLM GLO database  I took a second look and found this warrant for Andrew's probable brother Archibald Forgey.

I am not finding very much when I retry searches at ancestry and Familysearch . If you are past the vital records and the census stage these databases become a little less helpful. Family search however has now become very helpful regarding Nicaraguan records which I can't access any other way. Google books has become extremely helpful, specifically with county histories.
Time to do some re-researching :D. I think I will take a look again at the 1830 Census and make sure Hugh Forgey is not on it.


  1. The BLM is one place I have been meaning to get to but haven't yet...Thank you for reminding me of this resource! Time to start digging!
    (Tangled Trees)

  2. I need to re-search that resource also. It's been quite some time since I used it and I probably have some new names to look for. :)
    Welcome to the geneablogging world. :)


  3. Thanks very much Jennifer and Theresa for the comments!

  4. Hi, Annette!
    I haven't seen you at the FHC or the library for a while. It's good to know you are still researching. Congrats on your blog -- it looks great!

  5. Hi Marie! Very nice to hear from you :)! Thank very much for the nice comment! No I have not been able to make it to the FHC lately :(. I have been caring for my elderly mother pretty much round the clock. Now that she's improved some I do plan on ordering some more films at the FHC. Took a look at your blog which looks great too!
